Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How To Tell If You Had A Seizure How Can You Tell If Your Dog Has Had A Seizure?

How can you tell if your dog has had a seizure? - how to tell if you had a seizure

She is 4 years old Chow / mix separd. She ate a normal diet for dogs and jumped out of bed, she always without problems. His back legs and then hand over the body began to tremble. All the muscles of his family and was foaming at the mouth. Tommorw take us to the vet. It is part of the family and all information would be useful. If by chance came antifrezze how long it takes to outside the system Hyer run? She performs a semi-trailer every night. ID is very good, as we speak now.


Sandra Dee said...

I had a Golden Retriever dog had epilepsy. Give up his legs as she tried to. So I am not trying to shock mount, because the dog was so scared. Unlike humans, dogs were awake and conscious during the attacks. I would just try to comfort him, rub him speak, and told him that everything would be fine. Some dogs lose control of his bladder and bowel in an attack. The blessing is, will not be long in the rule. And your dog is back to being himself.
My vet put my dog on phenobarbital for seizure control ie 98% of the time. If you think your dog has been involved in anti-freeze, you must act quickly to your dog to vomit.
A spoon of salt or a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide on the case quickly. I understand fully about your dog as part of the family. This is our "baby" fur ". I'm glad that it happens to her now good. Good luck and good news tomorrow to the vet!

iloveeey... said...

I had a dog with epilepsy. This certainly seems like you have had your dog. The vet should help in the situation.

Sacha said...

Yes, I am almost sure that his dog had a seizure. My dog ... ... My poor child died of a stroke and heart failure on Monday at around 2.00 clock. I could not bare my parents took him to the emergency. It is a Toy Poodle. This is his 15th Birthday on Monday ... Exactly a week before his death. Please get your dog checked, because I want someone through what I do with my dog that I will go soooo much love. O (

ESPERANZ... said...

In any case, sounds like a seizure, first call your vet within a few hours, unless the dog is an episode in this case, take him to the vet emergency.

bsbfrk41... said...

From what she describes certainly seizure. I once had a dog that had epolepsy and it takes a few times a day. moved and foaming at the mouth and epilogues, temporary blindness, and usually on the wall, because they walk.

For the registration of antifreeze, it will probably still at least 24 hours before they complete, maybe, but definitely take to the vet to make sure that there is absolutely secure.

MasLoozi... said...

Here is a site for you is about epilepsy in dogs:

http://www.canine-epilepsy.com/overview. ...

Mild (petit mal), which can be as simple as a time to look into space, or move up the eyes.

Moderate: grand () times, the dog falls, loses consciousness and expand their limbs, stiffness. Cadence members, salivation of possible loss of control over bladder and bowels and vocalization (Scream followed by cold blood) may follow. This may occur for 1-3 minutes and is usually followed by a period of turmoil to push the pace, in objects and loss of balance. (Postictal period) The dog is conscious, but appear deaf, blind and disoriented. Great care must be taken to prevent the dog was injured at this time.

Status epilepticus: Status can be seen as a continuous input of 10 minutes or more, or experience a series of multiple attacks in a short period of time without normal consciousness, it can be life threatening.

Cluster Seizures: Multiple seizures within 24 hours, it can be life threatening. It is oftendifficult to distinguish between two types and veterinarian assistance is imperative. Rectal Valium is extremely useful to get out of crisis cluster.

tiffany 1 said...

Antifreeze does not cause seizures, kidney failure, but even if they die prematurely recognized and treated early, most animals. You can tell usually if the seizures if the animal has control of the bladder, urine or defacates a good sign, as his dog was after the fact, jump to run and play, as always, is lost if this is more than likely, but not if she was tired and looked tired, but would very likely

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