Saturday, December 12, 2009

Little Pre Teen Pre-teen Killed Little Boy?

Pre-teen killed little boy? - little pre teen

Does anyone remember this case, probably from the early 90s. I do not know where it happened, but somewhere in the United States. It was a little boy, about four years. I think his name was Derek, or something with a "D", but could be wrong. In any case, a child was murdered in the region was very worried. The murderer had red hair and thick glasses and low-set ears. He took the children into the woods and killed him by crushing his head with a large rock. I remember a conversation with the killers of four years and five years ago, when I was in prison. Were grown, when he about 12 when he committed the murder. For some reason, this story appeared in my head and now I can not for the life of me remember names, etc. associated witih it.


BEAUTIFU... said...

He got what he deserved.
Time in prison!
All in all age groups
Anyone who commits a crime of murder
She is old enough in order to assess.
People have said in May
"He is too young to go to jail."
But the question that they
You should also
"It was committed the offense
Instead, like a child? "
I think not.
It is a shame that children
Died at a young age.
The other died
BECAUSE HE has to serve to
The best years of their childhood or adolescence
Years in prison for SOMETHING
I did as a child.

Dude said...

Something similar happened here in the UK of a boy named James Bolger, I think it was four years in children time.Two pulled a shopping mall, then smashed her head with concrete blocks.They were captured and sent to an asylum, I think it was years.They for about eight or identity.Too often now preparing a new start, is a financial crime as worse than murder.

Dude said...

Something similar happened here in the UK of a boy named James Bolger, I think it was four years in children time.Two pulled a shopping mall, then smashed her head with concrete blocks.They were captured and sent to an asylum, I think it was years.They for about eight or identity.Too often now preparing a new start, is a financial crime as worse than murder.

grannybc... said...

OMG I have ..... I remember, but the details .... it was awful ..... I felt so bad when I heard that ...... the poor girl and her parents .... ....... .............. omg

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