Friday, February 12, 2010

Bullet Shot Into The Air What Happens To Bullets Shot Into The Air? Can They Seriously Hurt Someone When They Come Back Down?

What happens to bullets shot into the air? Can they seriously hurt someone when they come back down? - bullet shot into the air

See also the events in the Middle East with the AK fire in the air ... What is Bulletproof?


promethi... said...

Balls in the air again, of course, downward. This is not a weapon with sufficient speed to throw the balls into orbit.

Well, if it draws in the air, unless the bullet strikes an extremely vulnerable (as the eye, etc.), then DO NOT KILL. Terminal velocity of a falling ball as it falls, is just over 100 miles per hour. Of course, I'll give you quite a headache, but you're not die easily.

However, if the ball is fired at an angle to the horizontal velocity is affected only slightly by the travel curve so that the strike hit at high speed and capable of murder. Most deaths due to "loose cannon" the message appear, in fact, because of weapons fired into the air in aNo corner. The shadows of the angle, the faster the ball is lost and kill achieved with a greater likelihood of someone.

armystro... said...

Ok, common sense tells us what? "What Goes Up Must Come Down ......" It is not like being in outer space. Lol. And it can kill someone if he returns. (Another interesting fact - If you toss a coin at the top of the Empire State Building, which generates enough momentum to pass through a human skull.)

Abrams Tanker said...

I saw this happen first hand, while in Iraq in 2003. Import ... and then back down, not so fast as it grew. He still has a top speed is turned on only by gravity fall rate much slower. A bit like dropping a penny from a skyscraper, which will stop more quickly at a certain speed, but I can hurt someone.

david_74... said...

The "Myth Busters" had the fire a gun into the air, challenge, and the ball would not hurt.

just plain jim said...

Take up to 22 and one miles. Then come down and strike your head, and can kill you.

Therefore, it is illegal, a gun in the towns and villages, including the July 4 shooting and New Year.




conrange... said...

Yes, and what is not seen or heard about twice as high as in the humiliation killed to the ground dead.

Strangely, this is not a ball up and down, which can kill, but do bullets upward at an angle to the greatest damage.

suspendo... said...

Balls do not evaporate in the air! again almost fall as much energy as the shooting on the firing angle. But when it rises, determined to return to its "terminal velocity" of the drag of the ball. It is usually sufficient to pierce the flesh, but it is likely that when these shots were fired into the city, someone might hurt.

greggbla... said...

What Goes Up Must Come Down. When you touch, if you like ... too bad so sad!

brainsto... said...


awake said...

What Goes Up Must Come Down. Finally, below, and if they kill if they touch something essential the same as the direct recording.

dhadee said...

land on the ground was almost achieved feat 3 bin Laden. (only a few feet, dammit!)

mike hunt said...

If you have not seen Mexico?

Wayne C said...

Half Moon Bay, CA, is located on the coast 25 miles south of SF. On July 4, 2002, a boy a girl that I was on the head by a stray bullet hit. You do not know if the death is not instantaneous or not, but death is as certain as death "Stupid so stupid"

In the case of the Middle East "will be added stupid" 10 times by the lack of education. With a literacy rate of 73% in Saudi Arabia and Iran, Iraq, 39% and less than 25% in many African countries are in the news ... these things will continue.

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