Tuesday, February 16, 2010

External Hardrives That Sleep External Hardrives?

External hardrives? - external hardrives that sleep

How exactly does external hard drive? I mean, I know, in conjunction with a USB cable and stuff, but you can copy everything on your Hardrive internal and put it out there? Then, as the access things in the external Hardrive? Can I have a new internal hardrive, and things are true from the outside?


Paul said...

I have an external hard drive, and I love it. It would be much easier and cheaper to just one additional internal hard drive on my PC. With an additional internal drive can transfer your MP3 files, videos, photos on the bonus CD. When you click My Computer, you will see both drives. If you have an external hard drive, you can also (see, provided they are connected and switched on). It would be drive E or F or Y or whatever the letter that came later in the alphabet, after all other units of their own. You can use an external drive the same way, except you have to pay more, because he has his own room and board. An external drive appears in My Computer. They go just like any other drive in Windows. You can save files inis the transfer of something, and so on and so forth.

IT Pro said...

Your operating system should continue in its internal unity. External drives for storage only, not Windows.

Roadman said...

This will appear in "My Computer" as another drive. And yes, you can copy files. And so they can enter as an internal drive.

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