Saturday, January 2, 2010

Indiana Jones Games I Loved Diablo, Team Fortress Quake, SpaceQuest, And Indiana Jones. What PC Games Today Would I Like?

I loved Diablo, team fortress Quake, SpaceQuest, and Indiana Jones. What PC games today would I like? - indiana jones games

I have not played computer games for many years, but I have a laptop and wireless Internet impressive sweet, and wants to try a great new game anyone have any suggestions out there? As I say, Diablo and the strength of the team for Quake, are impressive. I loved Myst back, Indiana Jones and Space Quest in the day as if it helps. Thank you!


Mike R said...

Try Crimsonland work on the laptop. $ 20 will register only download the playable demo for all. ...
And Call of Duty 4 (one not, that comes in a few days) best game ever. Doubt it will work on a laptop.

Mike R said...

Try Crimsonland work on the laptop. $ 20 will register only download the playable demo for all. ...
And Call of Duty 4 (one not, that comes in a few days) best game ever. Doubt it will work on a laptop.

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